The Caribbean Island of St. Croix
The Caribbean Island of St. Croix is the largest of the US Virgin Islands, with an area of 82
square miles. There are two town Christiansted and Frederiksted. The architectural quality and
historic interest of the one-time Danish West Indies capital has made part of Christiansted
(founded in 1734) a National Historic Site.
Visitors to St. Croix will see traces of St. Croix's rich cultural diversity in the island's
distinctive arts, crafts, music and festivals. “Mocko Jumbies” (traditional stilt dancers thought
to chase away evil spirits), reggae and calypso, steel pan bands and pulsating salsa are among the
captivating sights and sounds that add to the island's cultural mix. The Caribbean Dance Company
(CDC), an ensemble that preserves and teaches the dance heritage of the Caribbean and West Indian
culture, established itself on St. Croix in 1977. Its traditional folk dance performances, many
with African roots, can be seen on the island all year round.
St. Croix's unique culture is still celebrated in customs such as the European-inspired
"quadrille" dance and "quelbe," or "scratch," music. The early settlers' tradition of dancing from
estate to estate has evolved into an organized town parade, performed to the sounds of drums,
flutes, trumpets and gourds that are "scratched" for percussion.
The Crucian Christmas Festival, one of St. Croix's most popular events, includes a month-long
celebration that culminates in the Three Kings Day parade.
St Croix flag - a part of history
The flag of the
United States Virgin Islands was adopted in 1922. It consists of a simplified version of the
Great Seal of the United States between the letters V and I (for Virgin Islands). The eagle
holds an olive branch in one talon, and three arrows in the other, representing the three
major islands: Saint Thomas, Saint John, and Saint Croix. In 1917, the year the United States
purchased the islands, U.S. Naval officer P.W. Sparks designed their flag.
Things To Do in St Croix
Buck Island: One of only three
underwater national monuments in the United States, Buck Island and its surrounding coral reef
ecosystem support a large variety of native flora and fauna, including the hawksbill turtle
and brown pelican. Underwater trails make Buck Island a popular destination for snorkelers and
a must-do for every visitor. A number of tour companies operate excursions to Buck
Mt. Pelier Domino Club: One of the most popular
things to do is take a drive into the west end tropical forest and buy a beer (non-alcoholic) for
St. Croix’s “World Famous Beer Drinking Pig” at the Domino Club. You have to see it to believe it.
Open daily, serving local food, and offering live music on the last Sunday of every month.
Point Udall Point Udall is the
easternmost point in the United States. It was named for Stewart Udall, United States
Secretary of the Interior under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. A sundial known
as the Millennium Monument was built above Point Udall for the New Year's celebration in 2000
marking the angle of the first U.S. sunrise of that year.
Virgin Island Sustainable Farm
(VISFI) Comprising more than one hundred acres of rolling green hills and
valleys nestled in the highlands of St. Croix; VISFI exemplifies agritourism at its best. Visit the
farm to learn about organic farming, take a course in bush skills or beneficial farming, or enjoy a
Creque Slow down Dinner prepared with organically grown local ingredients.
The U.S. Virgin Islands has daily, nonstop flights
from New York, Newark, Baltimore, Atlanta, Miami, Philadelphia, Boston, Charlotte, Detroit, Chicago
and Fort Lauderdale.
Connecting flights are available to and from Los Angeles, Dallas, New York, Miami and Atlanta
via the San Juan hub. In addition, there's connecting service from Canada, Europe, South America
and the Far East. Commuter service between San Juan and St. Croix and St. Thomas is also
Commuter airlines can transport you between islands in as little as 17 minutes. The seaplane is
an exciting way to travel between St. Thomas and St. Croix.
Getting Marriage In St. Croix

To applying for a marriage license (PDF)in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the
following is required:
The Marriage Application
Form (PDF) must be typed or printed by the applicants. This form requests: Full
name and age at last birthday
Social Security number
Date of birth
Nationality and place of usual residence The
name of parents (present and maiden)
Previous marital status (widowed, divorced or annulled)
After completion, and before returning the form to the Territorial Court, applicants must appear
before a notary public and have the application notarized. If either or both applicants have been
divorced, it is required that a certified copy of the divorce decree be filed along with the
Applicants should also attach a letter to the court detailing the following:
The date of arrival to the island - The length of their stay
Desired date of the ceremony.
Posting the Application
Upon receipt of the notarized application at the Territorial Court, an eight-day waiting period
is required. During this time, the couple’s application is posted for public inspection.
Examination of Applicants for Marriage License
Before a marriage license can be issued, applicants are required to personally appear before the
Clerk of the Court, or her designee, to be examined under oath. Some form of identification is
required. Note: No physical examination or blood test is required.
Fees All fees must be paid by certified
check, money order, or by cash, when paying in person.
Marriage Application: $25 Nonrefundable fee.
Marriage License: $25
Ceremony performed by a judge, $200 fee, ceremonies done only on Wednesdays.
Court Office Hours 8 am to
5 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays and on Saturdays from 10 am to noon, except on
Carnival Saturday. Additionally, by pre-arrangement and $150 per couple surcharge, the court will
be available on Sundays and holidays between 9:30 am and 10:30 am.
You can contact the court directly (to request your application) at 340-778-9750 --
ask for the family division.
Getting Around On the Island of St. Croix
St. Croix Car Rental Most of the rental agencies on the island offer free
pick-up and delivery at the airport. Ask when making your reservations. Drivers are usually
required to be a minimum of 25 years of age. U.S. drivers need a valid driver's license; others can
purchase a temporary license.
There are always taxis awaiting arrivals at the airport on St. Croix. Taxi stands are also located
in Christiansted on King Street or in Frederiksted on Strand Street. Taxi service can always be
pre-arranged by calling the St. Croix Taxi Association - 340-778-1088. All rates are by zone, not
by meter, and are set by the local taxi commission. Every taxi driver should carry a rate card.
We drive on the left side of the road on St. Croix!
Night life The lights of Christiansted
and Frederiksted from the sea at night is breathtaking, it even better to be among them. The night
life in St. Croix offers different moods and types of music. They have beach bars, boardwalk
bistros and balcony café's. You’ll hear reggae, rock and jazz. You can go dancing with all your new
friends to the local bands and solo artists. Many of St.Croix's resorts and hotels have bars, music
and game rooms. Whatever your speed or style you can follow the lights to the night of your
Our source: Over 70% of the information on
this page was taken from
the other information
was from knowledge of the island and internet source.
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